SDG: 10

Journey brings You happiness, not the destination

Marco Santos
Marco immigrated to Europe when he was 20 years old. In 2008 he decided to leave his work and political position to join a volunteer program in Estonia. After volunteering, Marco was invited to stay and he has since then been living in Tallinn. Today, Marco is the head of an NGO and operates a small enterprise that provides capacity building for young people at a local and an international level.


Noored Uhiskonna Heaks (NYH) is a non-governmental organization that works locally and internationally providing capacity building projects for youths. NYH provides capacity building to more than 150 locals per year and trains around 500 young people per year in topics related youth and societal challenges.

Impact story

Dozens of young people and youth workers have found job positions or returned to school after joining one of NYH’s activities or volunteer programs. Ivan Hristov embodies one of these success stories. After 11 months in our volunteer program that focused on assisting mentally disabled young people, Ivan found a job in his home country (FYROM) at a similar institution. Based on the experience he had acquired in our volunteer program, Ivan now works on a daily basis with a similar target group.
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